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What are the methods for measuring the dimensions of automotive sheet metal parts?
2024-07-02 08:19:30

Automobile sheet metal

The size measurement of automobile sheet metal parts is an important part of the automobile manufacturing process, which directly affects the appearance, quality and safety performance of the automobile. Therefore, the automobile industry needs to accurately measure the size of automobile sheet metal parts to ensure that the quality and size of the parts meet the design requirements. This article will introduce the method of measuring the size of automobile sheet metal parts.

1. Ruler measurement method

The ruler measurement method is a common measurement method, which is suitable for simple linear measurement and larger parts. When using a ruler, it is important to select a calibrated, high-precision, sturdy and durable ruler. When measuring, strictly follow the measurement requirements and carefully look at the ruler scale to ensure accuracy.

2. Pendulum measurement method

The pendulum measurement method has high accuracy and is used to measure various shapes of automobile sheet metal parts. The pendulum is a rotatable, scaled, and indicating measuring tool. Common ones include light rods, scales, etc. When using it, strictly follow the measurement requirements to reduce the interference of human errors.

3. Caliper measurement method

A caliper refers to a tool that can measure a flat surface within a size range, including vernier calipers, tape measures, depth calipers, etc. Calipers are highly accurate and stable, and are widely used in the automotive industry. When using a caliper, pay attention to choosing a suitable caliper, adjusting the appropriate distance between the caliper clamp and the measuring frame to avoid measurement errors.

4. Refractometer measurement method

The refractometer is a measuring tool specifically used to measure the size and curvature of curved objects, and is widely used in the measurement of automotive sheet metal parts. When using a refractometer, pay attention to the appropriate measurement angle and measurement position to ensure the accuracy of the data.

5. Measuring imager measurement method

The measuring imager is a high-precision measuring device that can perform high-speed, high-precision three-dimensional measurements, and can perform multiple functions such as morphology analysis and data processing. The use of a measuring imager can fully display the three-dimensional shape of sheet metal parts, the measured dimensions at different angles, and surface defects and other detailed information.

6. Laser measurement method

The laser measurement method uses laser lines to scan and measure the surface of sheet metal parts. It has the advantages of high precision and non-contact, and is widely used in the field of automotive manufacturing and testing. When using laser measurement, pay attention to the correct setting and adjustment of the intensity and position of the laser line to ensure the accuracy of dimensional measurement.

In summary, there are many methods for measuring the size of sheet metal parts, including ruler measurement, pendulum measurement, caliper measurement, refractometer measurement, imager measurement, and laser measurement. Automobile manufacturers should choose appropriate measurement methods and equipment according to their needs to ensure that the quality and size of automobile sheet metal parts meet the design requirements and improve the safety performance and market competitiveness of automobiles.


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