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What is the difference between automotive stamping parts and bending parts?
2024-06-18 16:44:22

Automobile stamping parts

Automotive stamping parts and bending parts are two different types of sheet metal processing methods, and they are significantly different in many aspects.

First of all, from a quantitative point of view, bent sheet metal parts are mainly used for small batch production, and are more suitable for proofing or trial production stages. Stamping parts are mainly used for mass production, especially for products with precision requirements. The output is large, and molds are usually required for stamping.

Secondly, from the perspective of technology and process, bent sheet metal parts are sheet metal parts that are manually hammered by workers using simple equipment such as hammers. The efficiency of this method is relatively low, and the quality of parts mainly relies on manual control, so the quality stability may be slightly lower, but the cost is also relatively low. Relatively speaking, stamping parts are formed by stamping metal sheets through molds and presses. This method is highly efficient, and the quality of the parts is controlled by the mold, so it is more stable, but the cost is correspondingly higher.

In summary, there are obvious differences between stamping parts and bending parts in terms of quantity, technology and process. Which processing method to choose mainly depends on the production needs, quality requirements and cost considerations of the product.


Auto Body Parts,Sheet Metal Body Parts,Auto Parts Manufacturer


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